Friday 21 October 2016

andaman nicobar holiday resorts packages

Tourists who come to the andaman nicobar holiday resort solely to experience the delights of the local cuisine maybe in for some disappointment. To understand why, it is important to dwell into the history of the Islands' settlers. There are 2 main types of populace in the andaman nicobar holiday resort- the local tribals who have lived untouched by modern civilization for the last thousand years and continue to lead an isolated life.

Monday 3 October 2016

andaman nicobar holiday resorts

The Andaman  Nicobar holiday resorts are a part of the Indian sub-continent and their earliest documented reference in history can be found in the 2nd century chronicled by Greek astronomer Ptolemy and later in the 7th century by the Chinese monk Xuan Zang during his 17-year journey through India.For more info click here.